Ankle Conditions

Ankle Pain Treatment in Dubai

What is Ankle Conditions ?

ankle pain treatment in Dubai

Various ankle conditions can interfere with your mobility and lifestyle. Dr KP Meda discusses a list of ankle conditions that might require you to visit an ankle doctor in Dubai for the most appropriate treatment. A lot of people are affected with the following ankle conditions in Dubai:

Ankle arthritis

It occurs due to the breakdown of cartilage in the ankle joint. Typically, ankle arthritis occurs due to cartilage degeneration from an old injury. It can happen due to trauma (such as a car accident), infection, autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis), etc. Early ankle arthritis treatment can delay its progression. Contact Dr KP Meda for arthritis treatment in Dubai.

Ankle sprains

An ankle sprain occurs when the strong band of ligaments that support the ankle overstretches and tears. Sprains are quite common injuries, and the ankle being the lowest and strongest joint, is prone to having it.

The severity of a sprain depends on the number of ligaments involved and the extent of tearing of ligaments. If you experience such pain, contact Dr KP Meda, the foot and ankle specialist in Dubai.

Ankle instability

Ankle instability is a condition when the ankle feels wobbly and unreliable, especially on uneven surfaces. 

The ligaments stop the ankle from rolling and sliding forward. An ankle instability may develop when a sprain from ligament stretch tears doesn’t heal properly. Ankle instability should be checked by a podiatrist in Dubai.

Achilles tendinitis

Achilles tendon connects calf muscles to the heel bone and is the largest and strongest tendon in the body. Achilles tendinitis or Achilles tendonitis occurs when this large tendon running down the back of the lower leg becomes irritated and inflamed. 

In simpler terms, Achilles tendonitis is an acute inflammation of a tendon resulting from the body’s natural response to injury in the form of swelling, pain, or irritation. Consult a foot and ankle specialist in Dubai for such inflammation.

Achilles ruptures

Achilles tendon rupture may typically result from a sudden injury. An Achilles tendon rupture is either a full or a partial tear of the Achilles tendon. This acute injury occurs when the tendon reaches its breaking point. Tripping, twisting or falling can cause Achilles to tear. It typically happens while playing sports.

Osteochondral defect

An osteochondral defect refers to damage to the cartilage and a small underlying bone in the ankle. They can result from an acute traumatic injury to the knee or ankle with an underlying disorder of the bone. Contact Dr KP Meda for such ankle conditions in Dubai. 

Ankle Impingement

Ankle impingement is the pain arising due to nerve impingement of the anterior (anterolateral and anteromedial) and posterior (posteromedial) ankle. Anterior ankle impingement is typically caused by the entrapment of structures along the tibiotalar joint. 

While posterior ankle impingement occurs due to compression of posterior ankle structures. Pain is caused when osteophytes (bone spurs) pressurise soft tissue structures and cause inflammation, scarring, or hypermobility. Ankle impingement is commonly caused to athletes, such as soccer players, runners, and ballet dancers.


Peroneal tendon Injury

Peroneal tendon injuries occur when the tough bands of tissue in the foot connecting muscles to bones injure. The peroneal tendons stabilise the ankle to bear weight in the foot and ankle, protecting the ankle from sprains and injuries.

These ankle conditions may deteriorate if not treated in time. Consult Dr KP Meda for the best ankle pain treatment in Dubai. Dr KP Meda is one of the best foot and ankle specialist in Dubai, giving you the most appropriate and effective treatment.

Be gentle on your ankles. Get the best ankle pain treatment in Dubai.

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