Reasons why you should see a Podiatrist

When your feet hurt, you can think of nothing but only ways of getting rid of the pain. So, you search online for various remedies or solutions. Sometimes, you even reach out for over-the-counter medicines. If that doesn’t work, you move on to try something else. But do you know that these random treatments without proper medical consultation can harm you rather than benefiting you.
So, always seek professional Foot Surgeon/Podiatrist treatment for your foot and ankle problems. Seeing a podiatrist will help you keep your feet in good shape for the rest of your life. They are experts and have extensive training in this field.
Here we give you 10 good reasons as to why and when to see a podiatrist:
You are experiencing joint pain in your feet or ankles
Arthritis is one of the most common conditions affecting people today. You should see a Foot Surgeon/Podiatrist if the joints in your feet are frequently swollen, red, stiff, or tender. Arthritis can cause joint deformation and eventually lead to disability. A podiatrist can recommend treatments that can help you maintain your joint health so that you live and function more comfortably.
You are experiencing heel pain
Heel pain can be caused due to many different factors. You could have a heel spur, which is a bony growth on the heel, or one of the tendons that connect to the heel could be inflamed. If you have persistent heel pain, consult a Foot Surgeon/Podiatrist. He or she will perform a foot exam, and the first step towards developing a treatment plan will be a proper diagnosis.
You have an obstinate ingrown toenail
Ingrown toenails can cause infections when they grow into the skin. The big toe is the one to get mostly affected by ingrown toenails. Consult a foot specialist doctor if a toenail is very red or has a lot of drainage. When this is a chronic problem, they may remove just a part of the nail or the entire nail to help you get rid of it once and for all.
You are suffering from a painful bunion
A bunion is a bump at the base of the big toe. It happens when the big toe’s bone or joint is out of place. Bunions tend to worsen if not treated, so a podiatrist can recommend treatments like padding, taping, or foot orthotics to prevent further deformity.
You have Flat Feet
Flat feet are feet that do not have a proper arch in the middle. This condition can be inherited or developed as a result of poor footwear or an injury. Flat feet, for whatever reason, can wreak havoc on your feet’s health and cause uncomfortable symptoms. Consult a podiatrist if you have foot pain or suspect you have flat feet. Even if you don’t have symptoms right now, they could appear in the future. Foot doctors can teach you about preventive care that will keep your feet healthy for many years.
You have an inconvenient corn or call us
Corns and calluses are two of the most common reasons people seek the services of a podiatrist. If these areas of built-up skin become too thick, they can be painful. A podiatrist can remove corns and calluses and make recommendations for treating these areas.
You believe you have a sprain, strain, or broken bone
Foot Surgeon/Podiatrist can help treat sprains, strains, and broken bones in the foot or ankle by diagnosing the injury and recommending treatment. Swelling, difficulty walking, redness, and increasing pain after an injury are all reasons to consult a podiatrist.
You have a deformed foot
Many people are born with or develop foot deformities as a result of injuries. If you have an inherent deformity like a high-arched foot or Sesamoids or have had a serious foot injury, it is critical that you see a Foot Surgeon/Podiatrist on a regular basis. Continuous monitoring and care can keep the deformity or injury from wreaking havoc on your foot’s health and function.
You are diabetic
Diabetes significantly increases your risk of foot problems. These problems can range from dry skin to serious complications such as neuropathy, poor blood supply, and unhealed open wounds cause you to have diabetic foot. Hence, if you have diabetes, you should have a Foot Surgeon/Podiatrist perform a foot exam at least once a year.
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Don't compromise on your foot conditions - Consult Foot Surgeon/Podiatrist Dr KP Meda
Our Foot Surgeon/Podiatrist Dr KP Meda is the ideal choice for all your foot and ankle issues. His expertise in handling various foot problems is impeccable. His extensive experience in this field ensures that you obtain the best treatment possible. With a team of highly trained professionals working alongside him, you can rest assured that your feet and ankles are in good hands with Dr KP Meda.
So if you or someone you know is struggling with any kind of foot-related issue, do not delay and book an appointment with him today!